Can I stop an email notification from sending when rejecting an Administrator?

Below is a brief outline on how to prevent the notification email from sending when rejecting an administrator registration:

  1. Click “Approve Admins” under the “Home” tab.  (Screen #1)
  2. The next screen will have a list of users requesting administration approval.
  3. Click “View” next to the client that you wish to reject as an administrator. (Screen #2)
  4. The next screen will have the registration information of the user for you to confirm.
  5. Choose the Status “Rejected” from the drop-down menu. (Screen #3)
  6. Select “No” from the ‘Send rejection notice’ inquiry. (Screen #4)
  7. Click “Save” to complete your request. (Screen #4)

NOTE: This setting is set as a case by case situational option. Selecting “No” once will not set future rejected administrators to also not receive the email notification.


Screen #1


Screen #2


Screen #3


Screen #4